Sonys latest offering Madhuris Kaahin Na kaahin koyi Hai is well close 2 what I would call a Wimbledon Centre court washout...I use these terms becoz well a match at cetre court is umthing everyone looks forward to n when it is washed out they r totally disppaointed same goes with KNKKH ...expecations soared high, millions tuned in on july 28 with bated breath but alas ..the show fails miserably.
Ths how begins with breathtaking Madhuri (well breath taking as in her loud n garish costumes whatever happned to the simple adorable Mads of DTPH days) welcoming the girl and her family ...and then begins a journey they proclaim of trust ...well the cause very worthy getting two ppl togther but then the medium- TV ????????? The family lets us know who are the 3 boys the visualize as prospective suitors for their darling daughter, each of wheom gets a chance to converse with the blushing(?????????) bride.
WEll then begins the question answer session between the girl and the boy on a really really small swing(pray the amount of moolah they spend on Mads clothes n sets, can they have a bigger swing ...or is the Idea supposed to be romantic...omigosh it probably is ...what a laugh)...the questions are hilarious....Ranging from who should wear the pants in the house to how girls are proudy (ppl who saw the Meenakshi wagh episode will know what I am talking abt)..after all this with 3 guys the girl finally gets to exercise her right as an Indian-Freedom to choice...n Voila Shubh Vivaah.
Well the Idea though quite novel n refreshing, I think certain issues are best dealt with away from the public glare...Like Shekar Suman put it very boldly It is like making love in public how true thing which are meant to be between 2 pppl for whom this is a decision of a lifetime is a topic of debate thru out the country over Coffee, Chai n biscuits....well for a country like ours where ppl love to have a say in everything not pertaining to them I think this is the ideal platform..they feel very much at home....
Madhuri though looks a million bucks ...her costumes need a little more refining ....
all I can say is KNKKH is a show which suffers from a terrible DTPH hangover n not even the gentle grace of Madhuri will be able to glide it through 2 the pinnacle of success.