Kahin To Hoga started out as a really nice different type of serial but a while after it started becoming the same story as others! With Kasish newly wed to Sujal after being Piushs widow to take revenge with Sujal because (she thought he killed Piush) confusions and problems started increasing in their lives!
Later, Kashishs misunderstandings were cleared out and she started liking Sujal and as she got closer to him the Akshyt friendship and Sohims enemity started getting in their loves way! Then Sujal had a quarrel with Kasish and Kasish went to her dads house, angry with Sujal choosing not to come back ever again!
Finally, when Sujal decided to call Kasish back because he realized that he was wrong to blame her like that and he called her and she said okay since she was crazy about him and loved him more then herself.
Then when Sujal was just in front of Kasishs house where she was standing outside waiting for him, some goons stepped out of a van and started beating Sujal up mistaking him for Rishi, Sujals younger playboy brother!
Kasish then saw everything and when she started screaming, the goons picked up Sujal and threw him in the river that flew from Shimla to Dehli and yes it was a really stormy day!
After that nothing than confusions has happened in this serial! However, it can be a pretty cool one because, you never know whats going to happen! There are pretty nice outfits and it can be full of suspense!