Personally, I was an avid viewer of KTH..the freshness of Amna Shariff n Rajeev Khandelwal was immaculately blended n perfectly handled alongwith the character of Rishi n all the family members...special treatment to Rishis character was worth the wait(11 pm) n watch...the screenplay was gud...n brilliantly handled with some natural stuff n out of the box performances. But the K-series bug is hard to get rid of.
Even properly baked n nicely served serials like Kahin To Hoga fail to deliver in the long run. The plot has become eventually sluggish n all haywired. The freshness is replaced by out of nowhere performances by some actors...n a serial is all gripping n exciting as long a s the freshness and the catch is sustained, but with increasing demand for TRP sluggish & repeated scripts fail to deliver.
I hope KTH gets back its initial appeal...rumours even knocked high about Sujjal quiting the series. But if the serial still has something unchanged , thats the performance of Rishi, Sujjal & Kashis(at times too tired to deliver quality package n dialogues...). Its the bandwagon of longer running serials that has infected the much-a-do nothing complacencies in grooming the fresh appearances in newer serials.
As for the direction, it goes somewhat well with the script...but for new KTH fans , you people have missed the original flavour. My rating goes with my likeness for this serial initially.