I am writing from uk I dont need to describe the story cus people who will read this will already know probly more den me anyway the story in uk is well far behind to what is currently goin on in india I mean piyush aint even dead yet sujal is still obsessed I mean what happened to that sayin if you love sumone let um go if they come back to u dey are urs if they dont they never were? and I dont even think kashish loves sujal cus when u love somone u cant watch them destroy and hurt themselves like that nomatter what restrictions your under!!!! first of all you wont marry there so called brother - like childhood freind would you??? I fink sujal seriously needs to moove on odawise this serials gana be stuck in a loop like evry asian programme I gotta say thankgod for the subtitlles tho cus I cant understand half the things they say!!! gata give it out for sujals acting tho he is the only reason why me and my mum watch the show!!! I think for once indian programmes should be realistic and the truth should come out and characters like kashish should find out what really is goin on and who is really to blame!!! I think rishi should get a test done for HIV or STDs cus the way hes sleeping around im surprised he hasnt caught anything!!!! and piyushs goody 2 shoes image is kinda sickening but knowing that hes gona die I aint gana cuss him I feel bad!!! I think sujal should moove on or kashish should realise that it wasnt just attraction between them it was love after all isnt love meant to conquer all???? people in this show need to start talkin to each other and stop assuming I think me and loads of other people who have written reviews on kahin to hoga can do a better job at writing the script of this show no offence to the writer after all hes the one who thought of it neways bye for now!!!!