Once again Es K factor has come up on Star plus and now its a love triangle and also has Saas-Bahu fighting.That means in one show you get both the things.
The story firstly revolved around 5 sisters(Kashish, etc...) and Kashish is the eldest sister and takes care of the family as a mother would do bcoz they dont have one and is very caring and beautiful.Her dad is a professor and other sis go the same college.
Their life was running very smoothly until Kashish get a job in a big firm who is owned by two persons(S and P-70/30 share respectively in the company). The company was initially started by their dads and now it is handled by the sons. Kashish gets the job as a secretary of S and even gets attracted towards him. Initially S is shown very rude, fun type of guy but when Kashish makes him realise about his faults, he starts changing himself. Both get attracted towards each other but in between Rishi(Brother of S) always creates some or the other problem and tries to create misunderstanding between them.
He is like a playboy and just to take revenge, he creates drama of falling in love with M(one of the sis of kashish) and finally leaves her by making her pregnant. As expected from Es, two lovers cannot meet the same concept is applied here. Bcoz of misunderstanding created by Rishi, Kashish and S part thier ways and P comes into the picture.
Finally it leads to their marriage when S realises his mistake but that was too late. Now Kashish is married to P and S is creating hell lot of mess in thier life just to get Kashish back in his life but I dont think he will be able to do that and as far as view, I think finally S will be married to someone else and Kashish living happily with her husband. Hey I forgot to tell you that even here a Saas problem(Ps mother) who is also behind money(like R of kahin K Roz). The serial is aired Monday-Thursday at 11:00pm thus pushing Kahin k roz at 11:30 but overall the serial was good in starting but now it will be boring as the story will not have anything new but only S running behind Kashish.