Im in shock and need a stiff drink! just got on wikpedia site and they say sujals had an accident and has lost his legs? please let this be a mis-print in translation and what it really means is he is paralaysed for a few weeks and has lost the use of his legs! its 10th january 2007 today as I write this and am absolutely devistated! how can they do this to him? I want to see him and kashish walk off into the sunset (albeit quite a few years from now as I LOVE this show and dont want it to end!) please can anyone help? I cant bear it! has this series finished yet then coz im writing from england as I watch it on star plus religiously! have also had the ending spoilt by them telling you who is the killer although I must admit I wasnt too shocked as his appearance does look a tad shady! and woz happened to rishi? woz going on with all that face fuzz! hes a nice looking fella and the beard whilst ok as stubble was cool is way too much as a full beard! would really appreciate anyone who is more up to date with this programme than me to make me happy once again! cant bear soaps that entail amputations - sujal too good looking to be ill - only ill I like him being is when he is wraught with love for kashish - so how can they make him a double amputee - I know the whole story is a weeny bit far fetched but brilliant althesame but killing off characters is ok but making them lame is noooooo good!