Hi buddies !!!!!!!!!
I m bak
u kno wat I had watchd ths last episode whch was shot so beautifully. nd u shud trust me rishi was rokng he lukd so smart so sweet nd 1 more thng tushar rishi duo lukd d best plz plz ekta sho us sumthng like ths. ths whole fight scene wat was shot was literally mindblowng nd 4a moment I felt tat I was watchng movie r sumthng. keep it up
now plz don tel me tat kashish d great is gona sacrifice her luv tushar 4her younger sis who needs 2b guided by intelligent persn immediatly nd ask her 2stay away frm tat smart so cald negatve charactr swayam. ths wat I thoght is gona hapen by watchn d epi. I hope tat ths doesnt hapn nahito kashish ka kya hoga???????????
I hve noticd 1 thng tat kashish is lukng more nd more beautiful coz I hve seen her ealier episode ka scene whch thy sho in middle of latest epi she luks bad. her makup, hair is nt as gud as it is now. is it coz of new sujal ...............i mean......... tushar or is it coz of ths new gal in ur show archita. u both hve tough comptn gng so al d best