His is one of the best films ever made! I watched it a few days ago and I still have the movie running through my head. It is so amazing that it has a lasting impression.
Once again, Shah Rukh Khan steals the spotlight and does a magnificent performance as the beautiful and sweet Aman Mathur.
By the way, I was thinking "What a funny movie" until the end.it just gets sad. And me being a really sensitive person, wow.it just blows you away. Shah Rukh Khans brilliant performance will stay with you forever.
I was up at 2.30 in the morning, tissues strewn all around me with tears just pouring down my face. The moment you try to stop crying, another scene comes on and you start again. Seriously, im really sensitive so no surprise but I reckon this film was the first film that actually made me cry that much. I just couldnt stop! This is a must for everyone.including you sensitive people out there! Everyone must watch this film! Its just beautiful and it was actually an eye-opener for me! Youve got to cherish whatever you have because who knows.tomorrow may never come.