And their back! Kal Ho Na Ho marks the third pairing of Shahrukh Khan and Karan Johar in yet another highly anticipated venture. With history as evidence, everyone probably knows what to expect in terms of Box-office Dhamaka. With Kuch Kuch Hota Hai and Kabhi Kushi Kabhi Gham in his left pocket, this time Karan Johar will hand over the directorial reigns to his close associate, Nikhil Advani. Can he handle the challenge of living up to Karan Johar’s double hit success? Although Karan Johar is taking a back seat in terms of direction, he is definitely in the driver’s seat of the project, as he and Papa Johar (Yash Johar) are producing the film and Karan Johar penning this film himself.
What would you do if your road in life is heading for a dead-end? What would you do if you had to fight a fatal illness when you haven’t yet reached a peak moment in your life? What would you do if the love of your life is being snatched from your hands while you’re drowning in the agony of your terminal ailment?
Would you turn to your family for love and support? Would you change your perspective on life? Or would you just take a step back and leave the world of sorrow and spend your last moments alone in solace. These are some of the difficult decisions that Aman Mathur (Shahrukh Khan) has to make throughout Kal Ho Naa Ho.
Kal Ho Naa Ho takes place in Manhattan, New York, and is the story of three friends, Aman, Rohit (Saif Ali Khan), and Naina (Preity Zinta), who travel on a journey that teaches them the true meaning of friendship. It teaches them to discover themselves, and to find the courage to live through times of happiness and times of sorrow.
With the constant arguments and bickering in her semi-Punjabi/semi-Christian family, Naina, 23, is completely distraught by the conditions which surround her. In addition to this, she is bombarded with the responsibilities of taking care of her younger brother and sister, as well as helping her mother, Jennifer (Jaya Bachchan) handle the family’s economical complications. Between all these burdens Naina never has time for herself. Then comes Aman. He moves into Naina’s small Indian neighborhood, and with him he brings his joyfulness and charming personality. He helps solve everyone’s problems and helps them face the obstacles and challenges that life usually has in store.
Much to Naina’s dismay, Aman demands on intervening in her life also. He makes her do things that she would never have dreamt of doing. His constant nagging eventually teaches Naina how to smile once again. In doing so, Aman joins with his friend Rohit in trying to help Naina find her happiness that has been lost in the wraths of time.
In Kal Ho Naa Ho the power of friendship starts to weave it’s magic over these three friends. But to their unpleasant surprise, a fatal turn of events cause chaos between all three of them. What are these fatal events that cause a ruckus of emotions? What will happen to Naina, Aman, and Rohit? Find out on November 28, 2003 when Karan Johar/Nikhil Advani release this mega-blockbuster venture that is sure to have you on a roller-coaster of emotions.
Story wise, it seems that Kal Ho Naa Ho has shades of Hrikesh Mukherjee’s classical film, Anand. However, Karan Johar speaks the contrary. He says that Kal Ho Naa Ho is about love and revolves around four people. It isn’t a love triangle, but an urban film about friends, mother-son relationship, and about three people whose lives are intertwined by he powerful force of love and friendship.
If Kal Ho Naa Ho asks “Who knows what tomorrow holds, ” what can we ask for? Life is a precious gift of god. Always make the most of it. Whatever long-term goals you have, start pursuing them today. What do we have to lose? Try to see the beauty of the world around you everytime you step outside. Try to smell the sweet fragrance that the moving wind brings. Try to hear the soft sounds that mother nature bears. For this is life, the ultimate love. Make the most out of your life. Love…Laugh…Live…Who knows what tomorrow has in store?