I do not have the courage to explore movies with unknown actors anytime in the near future. The movie not only got me irritated but also made sure that U tube should be visited more often to see the teaser before I actually venture out.
I do not want to talk about the plot because it was useless. I do not want to talk about the protagonist, because he was bizarre. And the girls in the movie were doing their job, running around the trees. Bravo well done.
Suddenly, some people in the movie hall started laughing. The scene was supposed to be serious, it was suppose to make us grab our chair, hide our face under a veil, but we laughed. The protagonist, who could see the future, was being used by the villain, Rishi Kapoor. I was thinking who was more intelligent, the hero or the villain. I am still thinking.
So getting back to the last scene, the protagonist runs into the parking lot, races the car and jumps out of the building, lands into the yatch that Rishi was in. Anyone wants to talk about target, look no further.
Also, the last thing, the hero was a next door boy, so if he was to be replaced with one of you, I think you stand a better chance.