Firstly, I would like to thanks to all viewers .who really loved to this place. I really felt from bottom to my heart it is the only place located at urdu bazar which lies on jama masjid. The sweets shop telling their story from its so long time ago when the owner existed. Kallan is also a name of person who marks the name on every sweets. Yes, of course deserts like kallan ki jalebi, kallan rabri, kallan lassi, kallan malai shahee tukra and all mouth watering sweets which gives a sooth to the hunger people.
Everytime when I visit to delhi then I go to that place only to eat for the kallan jalebi, which is so delicious and never eat to any other shop. And one thing is most importantly is that all the items are hygenic that is why tourists inclination towards this shop is much more.