Kaloori is a simple straight forward story of College Students in a Tamil nadu rural town. Handshakes to Balaji for bringing out the college atmosphere with fresh air. I really enjoyed the cast / performance of the new fellas.
Kallori portrays the simple life of rural boys and girls and their friendship bond. The one thing i need to mention about the movie is the character depicts the real life. Take for example Auto Driver - Students father, Athelete Coach, Prinicpal of the College. I knew these guys really exist and we have seen and been with these characters in our college life. We have seen the same in Kadhal too. Special pat for Balaji.
Next comes camera, Oh Chezian, this guy has stuff. real stuff. I Also read his articles on Ananda Vikatan - Ulaga Cinema. Brillant views on World Cinema.
Lead Pair was good and their performance was real good.Other Friends characters were also healthy for the movie. Good to see tamil movies started to realize importance for new fresh cast and every time we dont have to depend on biggies.
Music.Oh dear Joshua.Damn luck has not just smiled on you. The songs were good, humable, bgm was ok.
I have a thin feeling whether kallori can matched with David Lynchs Straight Story. I dont know what to say, but we need more films from Balaji.
Shankars needs to appreciated for investing money on non commercial format movies.
I can sense this movies wont do wonders in box office, because nowadays even rural colleges started to have to go on westernization.What can we say ?