I had written a review on Kalrashukla classes 10 months ago & had promised there to write a detailed one in the future. Hence this review. I was in a state of complete frustration while writing my previous review and hence couldnt elucidate the cons clearly. This review is an endeavour on my part to clear all the myths regarding KALRASHUKLA CLASSES _A CLASS APART!_
- Myth:-" We strive for Excellence in Academics & We are Best at It"
Truth:- They have a total of 5 branches (i.e. 500+ students) and less than 5 CET toppers this year( 2007)... I had been a student of Borivali branch & let me assure you that NOT A SINGLE BORIVALI BRANCH STUDENT HAS GOT DECENT (180+) MARKS IN MHT CET 2007!
- Myth:- "Integrated courses for XII and MHT CET"
Truth:- They first introduced this strategy during my XII i.e. 2006-2007. It went on for nearly 2 months and later MHT CET coaching was suspended for an indefinite period. It was restarted ONLY AFTER HSC EXAMS WERE OVER! Yes I must add that a few good, responsible professors did complete their CET topics before HSC, but that accounts to not more than 4 or 5 chapters..
3. Myth:- "Renowned for high standards of discipline, excellent academics and professional management"
Truth:- Discipline in Kalrashukla can be compared to discipline in any other coaching institute in Mumbai. They were kind of "EXTRA" strict for the first month, just for building the FIRST IMPRESSION, but later developed a lackadaisical attitude. I remember how during the first month our ID CARDS used to be carefully scrutinized before allowing us entry... but after that we never even bothered bringing our ID cards, even for tests!
Now lets come to the so called _professional management_. Ask any student of Kalrashukla and he/she will inform you about the substandard management. Go through any review in mouthshut and I assure you that management/administration will be poorly rated. They start a topic, then the teacher disappears and suddenly pops up after several months! Students are never informed when the topic will be completed and if we say that college exams are approaching, these people give their typical reply "kya college exams mein sirf ye hi topic hai kya"!!!!!!! During my time, in Physics, they started with Wave Theory and Interference, later did Waves Motion and Stationary Waves and the last chapter to be covered in the portion was Oscillations!!!!! Any sensibly educated person will understand that it is impossible to learn these chapters without doing oscillations ( concept of PHASE DIFFERENCE is a prerequisite which is introduced in Oscillations)... It was Prof. Shukla, co-owner and according to himself, "pioneer in methodical and systematic teaching of physics", who was supposed to take Oscillations. He took one lecture in the month of June and later never came back. The remaining lectures were taken in December by another professor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) This clearly illustrates their _PROFESSIONAL MANAGEMENT_
- Myth:- " Limited Seats... Unlimited Opportunities"
Truth:- Unlimited Seats...extremely limited opportunities.
- Myth:- (1) "Top results in HSC & MHT CET"
(2) "Year after year we are producing excellent results"
Truth:- Please visit https://kalrashukla.com and check their results. They havent updated for this year as they have nothing to update! MHT CET results are as hopeless as ever. Once, a miracle happened and Shantanu Patil (a good student, miracle because he was a student of Kalrashukla) got the first rank in MHT CET 2005. Kalrashukla gave as much as publicity as they could saying "Now we are officially the best for medicine coaching", well the successive years spelled doom for them.
- Myth:- "Test papers are corrected by college professors who are well versed in the marking scheme of HSC"
Truth:- My God! I admire their guts! Consummate liars they are! Ask any students who has given at least one test and he will inform you who ACTUALLY correct the papers. The examiners during the tests are students (in their twenties) and it is these people who correct the papers. I have personally seen this and have spoken with them too. Let me assure you they have very less idea regarding the marking scheme. Several instances of rechecking have taken place due to their absurd paper correcting techniques and limited knowledge of the subject.
- Myth:- "MHT CET test papers are evaluated using imported Scantron machine, the same one used by the BOARD"
Truth:- I have absolutely no idea whether they have really imported the said machine but I can guarantee that they have never used it! MHT CET papers are evaluated by a group of "Commerce Students" (mostly girls, many of them coming in funky outfits! (and yes some students were suspended in the past on account of misbehaving with these paper correctors))...
- Myth:- "Doubt solving sessions"
Truth:- No doubt solving session was held for the entire batch during my time.
9.Myth:- "Regular feedback acquired from the students regarding their level of satisfaction at the institute"
Truth:- I want to slap the person who is spreading this rumour.
- Myth:- "Every month we send attendance /test report to the parents"
Truth:- If this was true, 2006 would have had only 2 months!
Well..... huh! Is their ANYHTING they say which is not a MYTH???
In retrospect, I’m shocked that these people never got penalized for their lies. The government should take some initiative in this regard. Classes like Kalrashukla have made education a BUSINESS.
Now, Lets get into some Pros. Kalrashukla was founded in the early 1990s and since then have managed to acquire a few veteran teachers. These people are the actual moving forces behind Kalrashukla. Unfortunately for the classes many of them are planning (some have already) to start their privates and end their relationship with this _CLASS APART_.
It is my sincere advice to all ambitious students not to get trapped in their ads and enroll with them. You might notice that all the good reviews about this class in mouthshut are written by those who had joined the 1997/1998 batches i.e. before MHT CET came was started. Rote learning was the strategy adopted which gave them good results. But after CET came into being, these classes have really gone down in their results (accept in 2005 which I must say is a miracle) but still they maintain high profile and never stop boasting about their virtual/imaginary results.