It is basically a ok movie, based around a quite so ok plot. I saw this bcause of the name.I thought it is based on the original Kamasutra by Vatsayana...though I had my doubts.The movies plot was based around a time in ancient india where kings ruled and owned a number of queens. Where sex was not a taboo.The plot was not so strong.And the film moved on casually.if youll ask me about children above 16 can see this or not.Ok let me tell that, first of all its not a sex education movie.And when they grow up above 16 they are not children any more.Basically, I wont like to have a look at it with kids around.And above all, the plot is not that much interesting to hold anybody back.Cast was ok.And everybody did a so so job.If the kids will have a look then they will be out of curiosity of the scenes.
I never went to see the movie for sex. Went to see bcause it was Meera Nairs movie.
I heard from sharmistamitra, bhavna, just_did_it and spookaay so far.Thank you all for welcoming me into MS and being my first commentators.
I was answering to niraj_singh4s query, that should we allow children to see it.
This my first review writing at MS, and thanx spookaay and just_did_it to show me the prpoer way.
Just ive to say to bhavna that u just cant leave sex out of it, because the name suggests that itself.It was meant to be an EROTICA.Neither a general sex education movie nor a general movie, else it could ve been named otherwise.And the scenes has been thrust.About the diff emotions, u still can get all of them in any bollywood movie.Ill like to recomend here UTSAV starring Rekha.You see that movie and you can feel it.The status of this Kamasutra.
To sharmistamitra I want to say that, sex education is good for children.But showing them real sex just like this, when it has got nothing to do with the flow of the movie, I dont think even anybody approves it.So lets emphasise on sex education not the act of sex.That they can explore when they grow up.Like they just cant read a Quantum Physics book at Class 5th, they should wait till sometime to discover it.So lets separate revolution from other things.
Thank you all.