As we are moving from Indianisation to globalisation , we see a revolution taking place within our society, our culture, our value systems and our behavioural patterns. Society is no more closed, secluded identity. We are now talking about world community and not the ones which we related ourselves with. Openness itself has its own merits and demerits. So if we are able to educated ourselves about sex there is nothing wrong. Can parents really discard the idea that curiosity about sex in ever child during their formative years is unnatural? As children crossing over adolesence these parents also had the same curiosity. The earlier the child is explained about sex the more matured his or her thought process would be in such aspects. If one hides a certain thing from someone, the person would be more eager to know what it is and may even adopt unfair methods to know about it. Well that is harmful. Sex is a wonderful phenomenon that happens between two adult people. Todays kids are more matured as they are more exposed to the outside world. They are facing a revolution within the society. No one stop a revolution, but can flow along with it. So let the children be exposed to sex, let them face the world with the knowledge that world now possesses and not what their grandparents taught them. The world belongs to them and they are the trend setters of the revolution. It is the duty of responsible parents to help these innocent flowers to bloom properly and maturely in the present society.
Now about the movie. The plot of the movie is a little over drafted based on a thin story line. However the aspects of having sex in various forms have been well planned considering the conservative nature of the indian society. A bold effort but Indian society is yet to graduate to such maturity. Although a handful will appreciate the theme, the general masses would consider it as one of those hot stuffs. However full credit goes to those actors and actresses who could make it possible. I still feel the essence of the movie can be accepted only by few.