Now who the Fcuk is Sabir Khan ?? Sala har Hafte there is a new director who comes up with a movie and almost 90% of them turn out to be crap. So is Sabir Khan in the 90% or the 10% bracket ??
Let me start with the story :
You must be kidding if you are looking for a story in a Nadiadwalas film. They have no clue what a story means, leave aside story they do not even cant make a decent story line for an Ad film. Anyways, the Film orbits around a bunch of characters, the Protagonists Simrita AKA Sim, played by Kareena Kapoor and Viraj played by Akshay kumar are high on thier egoes. The moment they meet there is an ego clash in between and the movie kicks off with that. Simrita actually tried to break the marriage of Lucky Chakki ( Aftab Shivdasani ) and Kaminiiiii ( Amrita Arora ).
Simrita also is a part time model, the assignments of which she takes up to make up for her doctorate course and when she becomes a surgeon, the first operation she does is of Viraj, who was injured during a stunt. The tummy butterflies make Sim nervous, and she leave her watch in Viraj, s tummy while performing the surgery. Now this watch was gifted by Dolly Aunty ( Kiron Kher ) and plays the hindu marriage manta Om Mangalam Bhagwan Vishnu every hour.
Now when Simrita realises this , she tries to woo Viraj is somehow getting hold of him and getting him to the hospital. She plays a fake Love Mohabbat Drama and succeeds in doing so, but by that time Viraj Babu falls in love with her courtesy of a Night, where he could have had her but dint. ( How stupid ). Now after the watch is taken from his stomach, Sim Madame shows her Kuttiya Awatar and Dumps Viraj babu. However in the end finds that she also has started liking/loving/lusting him. OH WOW !!! How Innovative.
So this was the story, Kamaal Dhamaal golmaal whatever. Chacha Choudhary books had a better story line than this one.
Lets talk about the Direction now, Now this Sabir Khan, who the fcuk is he ? Does he belong to the Moron family of a Man Look Alike Farah Khan and a Chakka Look alike Sajid Khan. Well going by the quality of the movie it looks like. Sale Chutiye Khandaan ke Bashinde, ainwin Pain Da Tutta ...
Next time I hope that Sabir Khan never makes a movie, I hope he not even participated in rolling the camera or even being a spot boy on the sets. He is a total waste and he wasted so much of money to give such a crap film.
LOL now there a lot of people in this film who are good at comedy, Akshay Kumar, Kareena Kapoor and Aftab have all done well in Comedy earlier. Though Akshay and Kareena have put in thier efforts but its still in vain with a wafer thin story line and a bogus screenplay like this one. Akshay has done lot better earlier and Kareena also has. Even Aftab has done better than this many a times, take for example APD and Masti.
So the bottom line is that there no noteworthy performance in the movie. None at all.
Music - Om Mangalam is good but not in the movie, its good for Pubs and Discs however Sandali Badan was good. Rest of the songs are a total waste. Thank you Anu Malik.
Overall - The movie is something which you would like to instantly forget. Nothing actually works and the movie leaves you with one thing for sure, a long lasting Headache.
Now wheres my dose of VAT69.. need to get high to forget this one.
Rating : 1 out of 5.
Chutiapa to its best.