Kaminiyat did not seem to be there in the Movie Kaminey only visible aspect of the movie was "Goons" in various capacity. All said and done, Shahids performance in both the roles was noteworthy. He has done absolute justice to both the roles - Guddu and Charlie. While Guddu is a sweet hakla person stuttuering his way to glory, Charlie is supposedly hardcore who pronounces "S" as "F" that is quite cute. Guddu is a non descriptive guy working for some NGO. The NGOs involvement in spreading HIV awareness is well projected in the movie. Guddu is friendly with a prospective MPs sister and the MP is more concerned with fund raising for the Election campaign.
Good thing about the relationship of Guddu and Sweetie is that it is not show cased in a far fetched way like other bollywood flicks. Priyanka Chopra as Sweetie looks like girl next door(not a glam doll for a change) and is a matter of fact person who does not create a big fuss while Guddu is recounting his school time infatuation and Guddus stutter seems quite realistic.
The best part of the movie is Shahid convincingly hold on to both the characters "Guddu the stuturrer" and "Charlie, the lisper". The film is intersperced with action, hollliganism, romance and comedy. While the bengali goons shooting here and there and commenting on the "gondogole in the doorbeen" is quite hilarious, the ransackers in the ticket window getting awestuck by the Guddu-Sweetie screensaver flashing on the computer is awesome.
The script of the movie holds on the audience till the end. One is left wondering what next rather than getting clues on what will happen later on was the best part of the film. It is not a customary bollywood drama, but a witty script that deals with humour and pathos of life in a very arresting manner.
Charlies shortcuts to richness are well portrayed and the climax of the movie is noteworthy because here creeps in sentiments as well. Music of the movie is also quite good.