Seeing such serials really irritating that you loss trust in friendship, wont even will a lady have true love and friendship showing padmini as too bad while initially too gud is equally confusing. yet an other ektas serial also showing very very bad mothers in law who always pollute and ill treat like chitra and sumangali the other two ones and sulakshana who is stoo good. Seeing such serials we start suspecting everybody too much let no relation be shown as perverted. Let no human being be too bad or personification of good instead as a normal who gets angry and then reconcile because no feelings stand long. Especially showing a friend too bad, and planning to separate from the family these themes have become boring. Always till the end of the serial showing sandya as good and suffering and Padmini winning, good winning over the evil could be the last episode would not even be witnessed by viewers. Please put an end to such serials