Kanda Naal Mudhal looks like another love theme with entertainment elements added. This film is being produced by Prakashrajs Duet Movies banner. After their successful venture azagiya theeye, they have chosen Priya V, a new comer from Maniratnam camp to direct this film. As far as I can remember, women directors have not given any wholesome entertainers in tamil. This team claims to change that trend, well atleast their intention is to make it one and they declared in capital letters in their official website. Will she do it? is a question to be answered soon. The movies other technicians are top class, cinematography by PCSreeram, Art by Thotta Tharani and Editing by Sreekar Prasad. Music is scored by Yuvan Shankar Raja. Star music has released the album. It has six tracks, one carnatic number, 4 melodies and one hip-hop kinda song.
- Kanda naal mudhal : Subiksha : N.S.Chidambaram
The album starts with a carnatic number sung by Subiksha. I believe she is a new singer introduced in this album. She has a voice that suits very much for carnatic numbers. The inlay card says that lyrics are written by NS Chidambaram. This song looks like an old-carnatic keerthanai or something. (Is this a remade song with remix style? Not sure) Usually carnatic numbers have miruthangam for percussion arrangement, here techno beats are used instead. A solo violin accompanies the vocal part throughout the song and sax coming in the second interlude is interesting. Overall a good song.
- Pani thuli : KK, Shreya Goshel & Thanvi : Thamarai
A soft and beautiful number that will keep listeners interested even from the first listening. The song starts with karu karu chorus which is so much in Ilayaraaja style. The Yuvan sytle beats come in with beautiful chorus. Shreya and KK have sung this number. Thanvi should have done the chorus part. Shreya is at her best again with her sweet voice. The chorus, techno beats, singers rendition and lyrics make this song easily the pick of the album.
- Erimalai Naane : Shankar Mahadevan, Vasundara Dass : Thamarai
This song is sort of funny words exchanged between a guy and a girl, and this situation is set to a war-style song. The inlay card has this picture Prasanna and laila having swords in their hands and fighting. The string of violins and chorus gives a sense of grand musical effect. The interludes have sudden changes, in the first with lead guitar and in the second with kathak music. Absolutely different number. (I was annoyed by a glitch coming in the recording, dont know what went wrong)
- Merke Merke: Shankar Mahadeven, Sadhana Sargham : Thamarai
A second song for SM? I wonder how Shankar mahadevan voice will suit Prasanna? I did not like this number in the first listening, after couple of listenings, I like it. In charanams, the tune sounds kind of slower version of a Kadhal Kondein song for a few seconds. The slow beats and violins in the background are quite good. Interludes are also filled with violins. Another good melodious number.
- Koo Koovena : Karthik, Harish Ragavendra & Mahalakshmi Iyer : Thamarai
This song starts with grand orchestra sytle music but changes immediately to Yuvans typical synth beats. While Harish and Mahalakshmi sing their wishes, Karthik and Mahalakshmi tease each other. The chorus coming in the interludes is really catchy. The sax piece in the second interlude is also good. This is an average number but listenable.
- Pushing it hard : Yuvan, Clinton & Premgi(Rap) : Thamarai
This is a hip-hop number. The orchestration is catchy and really a class. The rap part done by Premgi is very good. All singers are apt and an enjoyable fun number.