Black money! If we find all the stores of black money belongs to Indians and repatriate to distribute among the poor, how many poor will be saved? In the film Kandhasamy, the lead character Kandhasamy finds ways to distribute this black money.
We have seen ‘Muthalvan’, who tries to straighten the act of administration. An ‘Indian’, who fight the corrupt, An ‘Anyan’ who give solution to all the complaints, (I also remember a film by Vijaykanth where he was a professor and with the students of his class he bring the system on check - but the name of the film evade my weak memory). Kandhaswamy falls in the same category.
Kandhasamy is a Tamil name for ‘God’ and also the name of the hero which is played by Vikram. The ‘Poojari’ of the Kandhasamy temple asks the very poor to write their grievances in a paper and to keep it on a tree near by. For the surprise of the poor, all their need for money is getting met by this simple act. There is no suspense kept by the director and it is the CBI officer Kandhasamy who is helping the poor, using the black money which he capture from the fraud business people. The leading business magnet of the city, PPP (Ashish Vidhyarthi) was Kandhasamy’s best target and Kandhasamy capture a good portion of his black money where balance of it is in foreign lands. PPP’s only daughter (Shriya Saran) is now determined to revenge Kandhasamy. On the same time, there is a police officer (Prabhu) determined to prove that the miracles happening in the temple of Kandhasamy is not miracles but acts of human. The story rolls on…
The plot is not new so all eyes must be on the presentation of the film. Sadly, the director’s efforts fall short of expectation. I must say that the beginning of the film was quite impressive. The graphics were superb and the first presentation of Kandhasamy was almost like a superman movie which was good enough to transport the audience to a different world. Then, script writer falls short of ideas and give away the suspense within no time. From there own, the story was very much predictable. The background which forced Kandhasamy to turn as the savior was much artificial. The Pizza which served by the director is little difficult to digest. Characterisation was weak and situations were more than dramatic. The director but used the graphics well though it was limited in few scenes. The film is made on a large canvas and it is truly colourful. This makes the film worth a watch. The film failed if we approach it as script oriented or character oriented. However, if one approach it for a visual affect, it is good. Comedy track by Vadivelu is bringing some laugh in the theater. Songs are another major plus of the film.
Vikram as Kandasamy is good. It is good to see Vikram on screen after a long gap (at least for me). The audience loved his ‘style’ in the film which is a kind of trend setter. In some shots at least his eyes are sleepy and the make up man should take an extra care on his hair colour where the white is showing. There is one scene where Vikram appear as Aishwarya Rai...and it was real fun. Shreya Saran was her usual self. With no good assistance from the weak character she remained as the beautiful seductress cum lover. Prabhu was good as the self assigned police officer. Vadivelu did an ok job. Rest of the cast did their assigned roles well.
The songs of the movie is excellent. All of the songs are foot tapping. Poda..podi..., Ithellam dupe, Piza than tope & Miao Miao rocks from the word go. Cinematography of the film is good but creativity is missing. It could have been better to match to the success of the songs. Background score of the film does not impress.
Cinematography of the film is top class. Some visuals are breath taking. Editing is good only in part. The length of the film definitely could have dropped for 20 minutes where the plot is not good enough to hold a 3 hour marathon.
Overall, the film fail to reach the high expectations assigned on it. It is ok for a single watch for its visuals, graphics and songs. This belongs to the league of films which if we didn’t watch it, we will feel we missed something and once we watch it, we may feel little disappointed.
My rating: 2.5 stars