Kangana Ranaut is a popular Bollywood actress. She has made her acting debut with movie Gangster in 2006. She has won a Best Supporting Actress award for her performance as a troubled model in Fashion. Kangana has bagged National Awards for Fashion, Queen and Tanu Weds Manu Returns. She will soon be seen in Vishal Bhardwajs Rangoon. She has designed a summer collection for designer brand Vero Moda titledVenice Cruise. She is also associated with the cause Swachh Bharat.Kangana Ranaut was born on 23 March 1987 into a Hindi-speaking Rajput family. She was a topper as she used to study 18 hours a day. She said "The science in school didnt help me much in my daily life as an adult. But the passion to be the best in my class and the love for books remain. Now Im an artiste and I read on art." She is also a trained Kathak dancer and loves doing yoga.As per the latest reports, Kangana Ranaut and Shah Rukh Khan will be seen together in Sanjay Leela Bhansalis film. Kangana might star in Anurag Kashyaps next. Anurag has approached Kangana to play the lead in his next project. This upcoming project will be different from Anurags usual dark movies and is expected to be a light film.