Ive known the school inside out for the past ten years and have no reason to believe that anythin this person has claimed is nonsense.. you must understand that there is no school anywhere on this planet that is perfect.. and if you are lookin for that perfect school, I highly doubt youre going to find it..ANYWHERE. I completely understand the problem youve faced and the trauma your child may have experienced. but you must understand that there are problems everywhere and you cant just blame it on the school. also your claims of the toilet being filled with poop is plain DISGUSTING and has no ground.. also if u found that this was a problem how come you didnt report it to the authorities? or create a blog about the poop in the toilet. I know India is a democracy and we have the right to expression, but everythin has a limit. you cant make false accusations with no proof whatsoever.. and off the record I think you should set your priorities straight n sleep at 2 am instead off shooting your mouth off like a heavy machine gun..id really like talkin to you.. sincerely awaiting your reply..
a pissed off citizen...