We can see a total of 7 review on KKEL out of which 1 is by KKEL Management. Out of the other 6, 1 is a complaint . Out of rest 5 posting, 3 members apparently joined after the complaint was posted and has posted just one review highlighting bright sides of KKEL. It is interesting to note that these 3 members has posted just one review till now. Any intelligent person can understand that these 3 members are basically from kkel management who has joined this forum as a damage repair exercise.
The ratings and recommendation by these people have pushed the rating high for kkel. If we go by the genuine postings, the recomendation stands as 3 reviews and 66% recomendation.
I would strongly suggest that kkel abstain from such mischievious practices.
Of late KKEL has been honest by admitting that the incident really happened and they publicly apologized for this but by posting such dubious (and in some cases offensive) reviews they are only damaging their reputation (if any)