Kannada Prabha is a very good Kannada news paper, I dont know why they did not do well in Market. Kannada Prabha is a member of "The new India Express group", (In 2011 they sold it)they have good financial muscle to tone up their circulation, yet Kannada Prabha is not doing enough to endear itself to masses. A novice "Vijaya Karnataka"which came into existance much later beat Kannada Prabha and became number one Kannada paper, this is despite their poor quality of journalism!. But our good old Kannada Prabha still trails on.Its circulation stays constant, it neither goes up nor goes down. while Vijaya Karnataka agressively promoted itself with heavy price cuts and attractive offers to advertisers Kannada Prabha was caught napping. So I shifted to Vijaya Karnataka which started a price war, But it was worst paper(now they have improved), full of print mistakes and useless news.later I shifted to Prajavani.
Hope some day Kannada Prabha will start doing serious business.
Recent Status:
The Indian Express group has jettisoned "kannada prabha". Now Kannadaprabha is under an unprofessional management and surviving as a BJP mouth piece. Many reputed journalist who worked earlier in "Kannada prabha" has left to work in other News papers and News channel. News coverage has become very poor. It is more of a magazine rather than a news paper.It is full of catchy headings and essays.