Karachi Bakery at Hyderabad: unreliable on time performance
I recently ordered a custom made cake from Karachi Bakery; and the reason for choosing Karachi Bakery was quite obviously the hype that the brand seems to carry in Hyderabad. The Bakery is very popular and was highly recommended. I must confess, that their cookies are quite good; and cakes(ready made-off the shelf) are decent; not the best I have tasted, but just about there by comparison with their compatriots in Hyderabad.
However, this is where the plot thickens. I was quite convinced, that throwing in a few hundred extra bucks(per kg) should be worth the promise of a good cake from a well received brand. I was all the same, quite cautious in taking every care in not selecting a very exotic(read difficult to make) cake; to ensure what I get, will be as close as possible, to what I choose.
Alas, that was not to be. The cake turned out quite amateurishly done, fraying on the edges; and to add salt to insult, it was not delivered on time. All this happened when I placed the order 2 days before the delivery date(they are okay accepting order just 24 hrs beforehand); and cake arrived full 2 hrs late with the guests waiting.
My intent of writing this review is not to defame the brand; but truth be told, if this is not one-off instance, pretty soon they might not have much of the brand left to bank upon. With my experience, I am one customer lost forever.
The intent, however, definitely is to help you make an informed decision for your special occasion. A good product sans ability to deliver when it matters, is a dangerous proposition as I experienced it first hand. Only in this case even the final product wasnt much to write home about.