When a kid of 12 I was sent to a karate school and it changed my approach to life.Like most people I also thought that it only makes one formidable for ones opponents enabling him to send opponents packing to hospital in minutes.
It was right, but karate gives one a lot more namely SELF CONFIDENCE and PATIENCE.I cannot forget Mr. Miagee(pardon the spelling if wrong) saying to Daniel - Its not about anger , its about patience.Patience can bring you a lot.Karate does miracles on and with your body-you can only imagine what it can do to you-even solid chunks of ice will be broken to pieces under your chops.And you wont have to subject yourself to things and people you find objectionable being not only physically prepared for it but mainly mentally.You start believing that you can do anything-you do not have to shy away any more.Karate builds up your power of concentration that helps you everywhere.And then there is the unmatchable joy of performing things that others find next to impossible.I cannot continue to give proper attention to it anymore but Karate has not left me-I still fully enjoy the endless energy and confidence that it generated in me.So people, be self-dependant, patient by practicing Karate and ROCK THE WORLD.