Reasons for buying...wanted to use a smartphone..jazzy email on mobile and internet on mobile experience..wanted to use biz apps and work smarter..
Wanted an android because of the thousands of free apps that one cn get...wanted a dual sim for known reasons...
After thorough research bought this one as it looked sturdy and light weight at the same time..worked well in dual sim environment..touch screen is real good ( heavy lag if you fill the mob with lots and lots of apps)..the pixel density and thus clarity of screen is really good when compared to other mobile f same category..selection of sim to call is a easy funtion and it is very easy to get used to it..
Biggest con is the low internal memory..once you install a micro sd card can transfer apps to it..but there re certain apps like fb , gmail etc which have to be kept on hth phone memory..since memory of ph is doesnt let you install more than 5-6 of these apps..
Owise it is a pleasure to use this phone..multitasking is also good..screen is watching is "ok" but i guess it depends on the media player..gaming is it has a 200 mhz gpu ( graphics processing unit )..processor is 800 mhz..performs decent enough..not to be called a power house though..
For what I paid for it (6.5k) it works really well...
When talking on one sim other goes off network ( as it is dual standby ) ..but i knew about this before purchasing..but the real problem is that the phone takes a bit of time even after disconnecting the call to detect the i am talking on sim 1..sim 2 shows off the network..even after disconnecting call on sim takes a full 30 secs to detect network on sim 2..
I keep checking the netwrk as a couple of colleagues have told me that my mobile is saying outta coverage area..where as i am in full coverage..( on both sims)
So small probs are there..not perfect..but great value for money...emailing gaming etc is splendid..wish the calling was perfect too..
Good work karbonn..