Hello All,
This is my first review but it will be very deep as I wanted to inform one & not just the technical training experience of karrox but also how this company is running. In general this review is a mix of Karrox Management, Working & Trainings they offer.
The company karrox is owned by one Mr. Darshan Shah who roped in big names into the Directors post. Reason simple to show that this company is owned by people known in the business world which will give karrox a lead over other institutes. The fact these directors like Adi R. Cooper, Chief Justice P. N. Bhagwati (Rtd.), Nadir Godrej etc, who are very well known in business world don?t even visit Karrox ONCE a month. Karrox only pays them directors fees to use their names & neither they know any wrong doings of karrox. The company is entirely managed by one Jitendra Nair. This man is totally responsible for every wrong doings which have been done.
Further the good feedbacks you see recently posted are done at his behest by his staff. If you go through the good feedbacks of last month i.e. April 2004, they have been posted in a period of a week to make it look real, but reading it carefully you can make out they are written in a very similar manner.
Their Technical Manager, Mr. Ahmed Jetha was very very sound technically. The guy seems to have got so bugged up with the way karrox was working & paying one man hefty salary & rest peanuts that he left suddenly. He didn?t gave resignation until he got his salary and once he got his salary gave resignation and left in one day. The reason for this is he feared that his salary would be withheld & not paid if he ever resigned gracefully.
Their Cisco Instructor Debashish who was very close to Jitendra Nair, & was officially trained by Cisco for CCNP & CCIE. After the training he got certified in a couple of months he left karrox suddenly & joined some company in Delhi. Since he was close to Jitendra Nair & it was the VP who bought him inside the company, eyebrows were raised on the VP, Jitendra Nair.
To show loyalty to his bosses the VP abuses Debashish in front of his staff nowadays & his bosses if his name pop ups. But the reality is different, the bosses are being fooled by him into believing that he doesn?t like Debashish anymore, in reality the same Debashish whenever comes to Mumbai goes to Jitendra Nairs home & his own staff have seen them dining & partying, except their bosses who are fooled into believing that Nair is very loyal to them.
Also Karrox is fooling students & franchisees around India by saying they are authorized training center for Cisco, Sun & Caldera. First Caldera company doesn?t exist anymore & so does Caldera Linux. Caldera has now become SCO Group & have stopped upgrading Linux. If you wish to do a course of Cisco thinking Karrox is Authorized for Cisco go to website & mail their training support for certifications & clarify or you can visit the list of the Cisco Learning Partners worldwide & check for yourself that karrox is not listed there. Poor franchisee?s still being fooled. Here is the link https://cisco.com/pcgi-bin/front.x/wwtraining/CELC/index.cgi?action=ListLp#_K10_
The same is for Sun Microsystems who is not allowing them any further authorization for Solaris, since they received complaints about karrox using illegal methods for training. You can mail Cisco or sun or Sco group(caldera) and find out yourself. So they are neither Sun or Cisco or Caldera training partners. So please be wise enough to find out yourself my communicating with parent company whether they are authorised or no.
Lesser said about their current faculties the better. They recruit & have recruited their own students who got certified & during interview they are told they need to sharpen their skills & will be recruited as trainees but are told to take batches. The courseware copies of original books either of parent companies or books which are available from markets. Neither the parent companies know this nor the third party companies like Sybex or others know this. There is a case filed by Novell against them due to these illegal activities & its going on currently.
A franchise recalls sending a lot of complains written to Mr. Darshan Shah but the MD never received it. The Directors never know what is going on either in the business. The complains directed to the Darshan Shah had been received but they end up on the table of Jitendra Nair who never allows these things to be known to the Board of Directors or MD. Instead when the complains used to reach karrox it use to pass from Operations division to the Vice President, & he use to then call the franchisee & have a fiery argument with him on this issue.
Never did the MD ever came to know why franchise were shutting down. Also they don?t spare franchisee even after he shuts down. Before he use to shut it, karrox management would be aware of it & they would send 100s of copies of courseware to the franchisee & poor guy use to sign the receipt of delivery only in the end to receive a bill. Now this bill would be for e.g., 100 books so you had 100 admissions, & you have to pay royalty for these 100 admission, though the courseware would be lying with him & he would be arguing of returning it & they wouldn?t want to take it.
As of now karrox is folding up businesses of their own franchisee by staring their own HO managed and owned centers around the country, nearby to their existing franchisee?s who are doing well. By doing this when a student enquires the counselor of the owned managed center says to students that this is HO managed centers and faculties are from HO and not of franchisee. So student join these centers rather than franchisee.
I had been to Singapore some 3 months back & meet the instructor there who & he informed me that KarroxIT in Singapore only uses name of karrox since they had already paid the franchisee fees during tie up. KarroxIT Singapore is now managed & run by a local company BMC International Group in Singapore & not karrox in India. Well the Singapore centre has run ahead of karrox cause they are taking courses of topics which even Head office in India isn?t. The HO still teaching old topics and the Singapore center teaching all new topics and advanced topics. New Zealand center had problems for using logos & words like authorised training center which karrox gave them. Since authorization for courses was only for India, these 2 centers ran into problems & closed down.
I have also seen the sudden closure of Chetna College Center of Karrox in Bandra, when finally the franchisee realized that he was cheated to believe that overhead cost of running institute are very high and Karrox will take 85% of collection and he will be paid 15%. And he suddenly closed down one day, after realizing that he gave them space, furniture and computers to run the business.
The only division which doesn?t function illegally is their ITES division. With total transparency between the VP of the division Ms. Monica & their Directors. I have heard that before the ITES launches any course their VP herself goes to attend the trainings & then the others follow. This way she keeps check on the current things & also manages her staff well.
So whether you are student or a person who is interested in starting a training business, be sure you find out in detail about the institution you are about to be associated with. You pay to earn else you pay heavily.