I do believe when it comes to education. there is no end to being the best and the way u need to work is keep striving for the best.
karrox has had some problems because of the management. it does have lots of good clients but the sad part is how do u maintain them
u got to be good to have good things happen to u
i only wish they get back to their senses and take care of their business before its washed out
its sad to see such a company suffer. nO here I dont have sympathies for them
its only sad that when u have things going yr way and u r throwing it away
its bad . but then in hindi they say JAISI KARNI WAISI BHARNI
so then need more than a lucky charm to keep them going.
not after the ceo himself decided to move away from this company as he perhaps didnt see future bright . not to mention the accounts and finance head also
and lots of trainers..........................
now what do u have to say????