My name is hiten shah and I am from Ahmedabad.
I dont have any experience about the training provided by karrox but personally I felt they dont know what they are doing. I say this because I have attended seminars last year conducted by them in Rajkot and Ahmedabad.
Let me share my experience of those seminars. I and a couple of my friends were interested in doing CCNA and CCNP and were enquiring about the same. Since we were in Rajkot during the period karrox was conducting seminars for CCNA/CCNP we attended them and they were conducted by a guy called Debashish, who was from their Head Office and he was the one who was going to conduct the trainings also, this is what we were told.
During the course of the seminar, we asked the fees for CCNP and we were told that fees were around 1.2 lakhs for CCNP. Since they were authorized training center for Cisco, we didnt find anything wrong of fishy in this. We left after the seminar and had decided to join karrox.
But later the very next day we were in Ahmedabad and heard karrox is also conducting seminars there for the same. Since we were free we decided to attend the seminars there also and found it was being conducted by the same guy Debashish. Unfortunately for him, he was asked for the fees of CCNP by someone and he replied as 15 thousand !!!!!
I and my friends were shocked, only a day before this guy had quoted us the fees to be more than a lakh in Rajkot and the same guy on behalf of the same company is quoting it to be less than a quarter of the fees which he quoted in Rajkot.
We approached him personally after he finished the seminar and reminded him we had attended his seminar in Rajkot and asked him why are the fees different in Ahmedabad and Rajkot. He became a bit uneasy by our question and told us not to tell about this fees to the franchisee where we attended the seminar.
Finally we thought this was a fishy thing and decided not to join the course. When a companys representative conducting a seminar says different things at 2 different places and when approached tells us to lie to the other business partner where we met him, its difficult to think anything else except they were trying to fool us. And the representative was introduced to us as the Cisco Authorized Instructor. Imagine training landing in hands of guys who tells students not to disclose the fees to the other center, asking us to lie.
Unfortunately for them, both their centers are as of now closed. When I last went to Rajkot I learnt that the center had shut down. Perhaps the owner there realised karrox was cheating him by offering lower fees in Ahmedabad and thus reducing his own business in Rajkot.
Finally me and my friends joined an institute in Baroda and did our training there.