The movie is based on a mental disorder called Schizophrenia. It is a rare mental disorder which is high in number today across the border. I am researching on this disease in terms of language storage. KCK carries a real message to the audience and an easy way to get off from the tensions. This review is not only a mere description of the movie but to understand the concept better. We can solve our queries on own.
You also might have come in a situation where you are pressurized by the BOSS and does all the work on less pay. One fine day, you fell in love with a girl working in your office. Then, what HESITATION and then you get to know that she loves a guy in your office only who is married and not trustworthy. COURAGE, that we normally loose due to mental pressures. So, KCK offers you a secret of working with these situations on your own. Let me tell you how Farhan works out? he is suffering from a mental disorder where he talks to himself about what all stored in thesub conscious mind. Like, he is pressurized by his boss, so one day he bang the door of his boss and shoot him with the secrets of his business, so after he gets promotion. Like, this, how the movie moves.
The name of the movie is appropriate as he himself calls him which he do not remember. He lives in illusions and buy a telephone instrument. In this telephone instrument, he uses the message recording option or kind of an alert with all its worries and thoughts in sub conscious mind. The phone rings everyday in the morning like our alarms. The whole conversation detects and solves the problems. It prompts Kaarthik to take action and eventually changes him.
There are various flaws in the movie which have affected the suspense, the dialogues on the phone call, analyzing is a bit difficult. Moreover, there is an instance where the Bank account losses all money, I do not understand How? He would not do that. At last, how Farhan discovers his own self is impressive. I like the way he does that. From this movie, I believe all of us can learn to solve our problems and read our sub conscious mind correctly. This really helps to lead a better life. No need of psychiatrists and counsellors. If we are motivated and desired to solve the problems of life in a positive way, then this really helps. Try with caution.
Kusha AnandSenior Executive