Karunya university
First of all the weather condition is too good that you can never get such kind of cool campus anywhere around South India.
Secondly its a residential college where you can find people from different states, language, tradition and so so on and on.why I mentioned this because Ive got so much exposure and learnt two languages which was very helpful for me.
Apart from all this theres a system called CBCS-choice based credit system where a student can choose his subject his tutor .this way he can choose up to the minimum number of subjects for appearing for end semester exam.this could help students in pursuing their career by knowing what they are actually capable of.
Extra curricular activities: Karunya university gives opportunity fa students to explore themselves apart from academic curriculum.
If you are good at music then here you go there are hell lot of opportunities to tune u up to the maximum u can.cuz Ive acquired such position jus from an amateur to pro trust me karunya will mould u up.and get placed in whichever company with your skills.
Moreover you will have come across wonderful people in life and you would become a better person from within not jus by having good academic knowledge but also as a good human being.
You might have heard that people who are studying in karunya would eventually get converted to Christian but tats not true.they just teach Christian values they wont force you to become Christian so non Christians you don have to worry about it.cuz even Im basically from a Hindu background.
Knowing good things is not a sin.
If youre looking for a betterment in life join karunya.
Because karunya stands for compassion