The small town of Karwar lies in the Karnataka state. As you leave the state of Goa the first city you enter into is Karwar. Before I write about Karwar beach I wish to enlighten the reader about how to reach Karwar from Goa.
Karwar is 105 kms from Panjim and 70 odd kms from Madgaon.For going to Karwar we took a Kadamba State Transport Corporation Bus from Madgaon Bus stand.The ticket to Karwar cost us around 30 Rs.The 2 hour journey to karwar was fascinating as we travelled through various villages of South Goa such as Cancona and Poinguinim.
The Karwar Beach is located about 1.5 kms from the Karwar Bus Stand.You may travel to the beach by rickshaw.It shall cost you about 15 Rs.There is a good hotel called Sawan Deluxe located near Karwar Beach which offers deluxe rooms at an unbelieveable price of Rs 250 per day for a double room.The room includes TV and the hotel has its own generator to deal with powercuts in the Karwar town.From Sawan deluxe hotel the beach is just a 5 min walk.
Karwar Beach is a peaceful place to spend a nice evening.At the entrance of the beach there is a statue of Lord Hanuman.A small metre gauge railway line also runs near the entrance of the beach.As you stare into the blue waters of the beach , you see small ships and barges moving to and fro.You shall also see the lighthouse reflecting a beam of light.The small hills you see at a distance make up the complete picture and you really marvel at the creation of the artist called Nature. No artist would be able to draw a wonderful vista such as this one.
Though Karwar Beach is located close to Goan beaches it is quite different from them.There are no beach shacks and no sunbathing tourists here.The beach is a perfect place to enjoy th beauty of nature and tranquility of mind.At my meeting with Assistant Director of Tourism , North Kannada , I suggested that joyrides and food stalls be set up at the beach to attract more tourists.Time will only tell if my suggestion is accepted.
Do not hang around this beach at late nights.There are vital navy installations at Karwar and hence police patrols this beach often.If you are found loitering on the beach after 9 p.m., you might be picked up for questioning.Alcohol is not permitted to be consumed on the beach.
Karwar beach is a welcome break from tourist frequented beaches of Goa.Visit this beach to enjoy the sunset, appreciate the beauty of nature and peace of mind.Highly Recommended