Many may think Kasak was a horrible film but I beg to differ. the story was good and suspensful at times. Lucky Ali ususally does good roles in films and I was happy with this one. Meera, the pakistani actress was a plus point too. she was pretty and her voice was very charming. The film had good songs and a decent plot and storyline.
It starts off with lucky ali who comes to the hospital at which meera works. She is a nurse and her patient is Lucky Ali. Well kinda. She seduces him and folows him home for his money. He was soon to inherent his mothers will. Meera is a money hungry backstabbing b who has slept with many guys for paisa.
Anywayz...Lucky falls madly in love with her and cant seem to let her go.
The movie goes on....a couple songs....which were hilarious. some side-E actress falls in love with Lucky also and she also tries to seduce him and he is like WTF. It is quite comical watching this not so pretty lady wearing all these revealing clothes.
The movie wasnt all that shameful. some parts were enjoyable. I would recommend this to well people who have free time and nothing better to do...or those who would like a good laugh but in a way of making fun of soemthing.