Kasamh Se started off very well, so much so that even my husband who cannot figure out why I watch these serials, got a little interested when this new serialKasamh Se started . Believe me, this is one of the serials, which he actually watches along with me without grumbling. As I mentioned earlier, It started off very well, then it started dragging to a point of boredom which further stretched to a point of utter rubbish.
Are the serial makers catering to a dumb public? By no means can they consider their viewers dumb.
Dont they understand that the public these days can bore holes in their script writing and in their plan/plot.
Their background music sucks.
There is a hammering sound effect every time they think a point has to be pressed) and the deafening sound is prolonged beyond the expected tolerance limit.
Their plot sucks.
They feel that they can change a persons character at the drop of a hat but that is not acceptable. When they portray a character as Good, you cannot alter that character and twist it out of shape.
By doing so, they are sending wrong vibes to the public.
If these serials are made for entertainment it should also have an element of Morals in it, to influence the viewers. You cannot be commercial minded when you are dealing with the mass. You need to consider that whatever you show is bound to influence the tender minds of our youth.