When KZK had first replaced Kahin Kissi Roz at 8:30 I was mighty bugged (I know I cant believe I actually liked it...but it was ok then...now its gone haywire.) But now Im so addicted to KZK I actually wait for it over the weekend. Well the background story has been thrashed out in other reviews so Ill come to the present.
Firstly how is it possible tht Rakhis bloodgrp does not match ne of her parents....that is scientifically NOT possible. Secondly no teacher repeatedly tells ne parents how wonderful they are to have brought up such a child....gimme a break.
Also just coz sneha and anurag meet..prerna suddenly feels sumthin....what is she an avatar or sumthin. I think Bajaj is given a raw deal.....he just throws money on her like he has a money tree(300 crore for a kidnappin!!!) and he gets wet shirts in return(she is always crying on his shoulder).
Anurag has married thrice but Prerna technically only once coz Bajaj did not divorce Menaka---so its like shes waitin for him while hes haven the time of his life with diff women. And Indroneil is a very forgettable character(much bettter without him)
Apart from a lot of medical goof ups....and very very predictable dialogues KZK has a lot of plus points--Superb actin by Prerna (Shweta Tiwari is just tooo good) and Bajaj (Ronit Roy has very good expressions and has awesome dialogue delivery)...but Anurag does not act all tht well(hes really a let down) And the plot too moves fairly fast though sumtimes it drags.
On the whole its a better than other Ektas serials coz its not concentrated on the good bahu and the bad saas--so I do recommend it.