My thoughts: -
None of us can deny that KzK was once upon a time a great serial. I myself stay in a hostel and whenever I use to come home in my holidays I would get inside my bed at sharp 8:30pm, switch on the TV and visit a new world...the world of KzK. But this time when I came home after about 4 months I realized that the serial now coming on Starplus at 8:30 pm was different. It was no longer the same KzK that I use to long to see. It was different.
I suppose most of us will agree that KzK has indeed changed drastically. I am not the only one who use to watch this serial or still watches it. Neither am I the only one who has ever been a great fan of it.
But I want to ask that
Is he the same Anurag?
Is she the same Prerna?
Is it the same serial?
Present condition of KzK: -
Ekta has opted for her most dear and latest formula of daily soaps i.e. the fast-forward of the story. And so the story of KzK has also increased by 8 yrs. Though I am happy that at least Anurag and Prerna are not shown as the parents of actors/actresses elder than them in real age.
In these 8 years Prerna has been living with her daughter Sneha (that is my name as well) in Panchmeshwar. BTN (Bajaj?s channel) is doing so badly in the market that it is about to be sold and to Bajaj?s annoyance Anurag is to buy the channel. On hearing this, Prerna decides that she will go to Mumbai and try to save BTN.
Most of the actors have been given new looks
· Anurag has a new hairstyle
· Prerna makes a high pony and wears specs (Preity?s type in KHNH)
· Aparna has got a haircut
· Komolika has once again grown her hair
· Bajaj too has specs
I am confused. I cant understand whether KzK is worth watching or forgetting. So please comment on my review and help me to get rid of this confusion.