Kasauti zindagi ki is now becoming a real test of patience for the audience. The love hate relationship between Anurag and Prerna is continuing and not getting over at all. Despite Anurags three marriages and Prernas two Kasauti is repeating itself. After eight years of separation the two are still shouting, gnashing their teeth and hating each other while secretly loving each other and not forgetting what happened earlier.
The flash backs are irritating and boring. Komalika can never improve. Se too has got maried three times already, has been the villainess all along and shows neither repentance nor signs of improvement. Her highly decoarted face and weird dresses are becoming more and more grotesque by the day.
The little eight year old(she looks about five but behaves like a tenyear old) Sneha is cute and lovely. How can Prerna keep Prem a secret from this curious girl, is a mystery. And how come they do not know that Snehas friend is a grand daughter of the Basu household? Dont mothers try to find out where their daughter is going and with whom she keeps company?
Poor Bajaj. He started as a bold and arrogant person and is now a bheegi billi. If he loves Prerna so much, why doesnt he remarry her? Also she was married to him when he died so legally she is still his wife and not Anus, isnt it?