NOW days all the soap is the story of saans bahu now the time break KASAUTI ZINDEGI KAY is a good love story.
Kasauti.... is the story about three lovers-RISHAV BAJAJ(a buisness tycoon), PRERNA SHARMA, ANURAG BASU.
Prerna and Anurag loved each other.but Rishav Bajaj also love Prerna. Anurag devorced prerna as he dobut that there are illegal relation between Prerna and Bajaj.
Before the marrige of anurag and prerna.prerna was bajajs wife .Bajaj was alive but unfortunately prerna know that bajaj was died in Australia.
Now days after the devorced of anurag ang prerna , prerna lived with bajaj as a good friend. Prernas daughter also loved by bajaj like his other child.
Bajaj cannot tell Prerna his feelings for her. Now, Prerenas mom tell prerna to get married to Bajaj.
Kya ab prerna bajaj se shaadi karegi, kya sneha ko apne liya ewk aisa pita milega jo naam ki nahin kaam se bhi pita ho which is no doubt Mr. Bajaj.