Well Ekta can drag aserial sometimes that is true, but I dont think there was any mistake in introduction of Aparna character.You people only want Prena and anu back togather at all coast, well I dont see any problem with that I want them to be together at some point but not now.ONE because the truth is not out yet, Prena should know the double faced Bajajs truth and how he played a big hand in seperating them , TOW Prena also made poor decisions she is not the angle you people make her up to be, until she accepts them it is not right Anu has accepted his mistakes this only because of aporna whom has made him realise that what he did to Prena was wrong if Aparna had not insisted on the paternal test Anu would not have even accepted sneha.
Aparna is the only one whom understands Prena more than any one in that serials and understands Anu as well , through her view point the two lovers are begining to discover each other in more depth, along the way they are learning to be more humble and understanding, when Aparna is through polishing both of them then she will leave but not now .The only progress bween the twos relationship has been because of her.I mean Prena is nice but she understands Bajaj not Anurag and anu is also nice but he doesnt understand prena , until they know each other and learn to trust each other, they cant just get togather it would be soooooooooo fake I love aporna I think she is the only one worth waching in that serial