I dont know how to start writing a review about this serial . It is really the Kasauti of Viewers and nothing else. I just dont know how can people watch this stupid serial .
Since three years the story is just dragging. Why cant Ekta just put an end to it.
Prerna has been shown to be such a nice female that she can sacrifice for everybody. She has got nothing better to do than crying all the time. I dont know how much stock of Glycerine does Ekta Kapoor have. The characters keep on crying for one or the other reason.
In the name of comedy there is a character called Indraneel who irritates you rather than making you laugh. Then there is Komolika who wears those stupid dresses, puts Asian paints on her face , wears sick earrings . She has got no job except keep on plotting against the family members.
What really irritates me is that how can people like the character Prerna . First of all she becomes an unmarried mother, then she marries Mr. Bajaj, when she hears that he is no more then she marries Anurag. Then when Mr. Bajaj returns back from the grave and Anurag accuses him of killing his son Prem, then she takes side of Mr. Bajaj, and not Anurag. This creates a rift between Anurag and Prerna and then she leaves Anurag and starts staying with Mr. Bajaj. And after all that she still remains a Devi in everybodys eyes.
What is this going on ? What kind of character is Ekta Kapoor trying to justify. Are these the values to be shown on TV.
And I dont know how can anybody like Shweta Tiwaris acting. She cant even pronounce the word Anurag correctly. She Pronounces as ANRAG and not ANURAG.
And to make the matters worse, now Anurags third wife Aparna has been shown to be a vamp. She has killed Anurag for money and his property. And the next thing is predictable. Anurag would come back to avenge his own death and again Prerna and Anurag would meet each other and the story would be dragged to infinity.
And how can you forget MR. BAJAJ. He has nothing else to do except waiting for Prerna. His role in the serial is to just keep on watching Prerna and longing for her attention.
When ultimately Ekta has to show Anurag and Prerna together , then why doesnt she do it and relieve the poor viewers of the daily torture.
The other characters dont even need a mention becuse they have nothing else to do in the serial except standing like dummies with either a plastic smile on their faces or with glycerine in their eyes.
I have noticed that these characters dont have even a single dialogue in 2-3 episodes sometimes.
I think that a new serial should be started especially for Ekta Madam, by all those viewers who are victims of Ekta Kapoors serials. And the name should be-
I wanted to add something more to my review as recently there have been some developments in this serial.
Now the main protaganist of the serial, Prerna has suddenly become interested in Rishabh Bajaj. The moment she saw that she is now losing attention from Mr. Bajaj , she has started giving him attention. Of course how can she let him go? And Mr Bajaj is such a fool that he can do anything for Prerna. And now when Prerna has gained his attention again, now she would obviously want Anurags attention also. She doesnt want any one of them go from her life. She wants that both of them should keep on following her all the time. She doesnt know what she wants herself.
Prerna is always shown to be justified. Now she has suddenly fallen in love with Mr. Bajaj. Hasent she got tired of all these things?
I think Kekta should really think about what crap she is showing on the Television.
If I can remember correctly, then this is going to be Prernas third marriage. First she got married with Mr. Bajaj, then she got married with Anurag and now she is again getting married with Mr. Bajaj. I think no other character in this serial gets married only.
For example see Mr. Bajajs daughter Vishakha . She has been shown in the serial big enough to get married now. But I think her marriage will never be shown in the serial. Because the writers have not written any role for them. Only the main protaganist, Prerna has to get married twice, thrice ......... and so on.......
What pathetic story!!! I think I need too much patience to write more about this serial.