Ive been watching this serial for about 5 weeks now and I just dont understand it! how long has it been running for and can anyone tell me who prem is!! AARRRGH! why as well does mr. B have them terrible spray on white highlights in his hair? whats that all about ? it is to age him? ive seen some flashbacks where his hair is shorter and also kamiloka has really short hair. Does that mean that this series has been running for 20 years or are they wearing wigs? I cant get my head around the plot and why does anurag miserably brood all the time? Saw 5 minutes of Kahiin To Hoga and was hooked thoroughly but this show although semi compulsive watching I still cant quite understand the plot. Also what do they spray in the poor actors/actresses eyes to make them cry? it looks like wallpaper paste as its so thick and just lays there not dribbling! so please - a very sincere question from me - what is this all about?!!!!!