I was in kashimr last year for my school toure. It was my most fantastic experience. truly said by someone that kashmir is heaven of earth because it has most precious natural beauty in the name of mountains, hills, river, environment etc.
we as Indian doesnt consider any state as state because in our heart we take country as Bharat Mata and these state are body parts of our Bharat Mata and kashmir is the head of her body which is magnificence as crown of India.
Even some person blame that kashimr is not belongs to India and they says that kashmir has article 370 of The Constitution of India which has empowers to kashmir about acceptance the laws of India or not but as per my opinion article 370 is just a extra benefit which was given to kashmirians at the time of merger in India but it doesnt means that kashmir is not a part of India.
yaaaa I am proudly and loudly saying that no-one( I am using the word nooooo-one) have even right to just say that kashmir is not part of india.
Jai Hindi