Kasol is a little hilly village in district kullu.its situated in parbati valley. Nearest bus station and airport is at bhunter.in past decade or so its been very popular among foreigners.so why you might ever visit here.
What you get in kasol.
Peaceful and near nature experience
Tracking to various track as kasol is midway stay for most of parvati valley tracks( pin pass sar pass)
Natural Hot spring water
Near westeren culture exprience
2 rivers to chill by( bonn fire and camping)
Cheap hotel( if its crowded than price may go high)
Very Good food for good price( spl israeli and italian)
Cheap street food( local and chinese)
Lots of israeli and europian people( feb-oct)
Trance parties( mar-oct) sometimes in december
And offcourse thanks to foreigners hash( charas) is easily available.