Now-a-days many tv serials, reality shows are shown in different tv chanels and KBC is one of the best from it, whenever it comes with a new season a number of people from all over the country eagerly waits to watch it. they all sat with their family and watch with a great interest.
it is hosted by our legendary hero Mr. Amitabh Bachchan the way he ask the question and sometimes creates suspence to the contestant is looks so interesting and we all look very attentively to each and every question.
this show is best on a game just like a quiz compettetion where about 17 questions are ask by the host of the show to those who sits in the HOT SEAT that is in front of Amitabh Bachchan. it has rules, with four helf line for the support of the contestant playing, the whole environment made in this arena is seems to be quit and sometimes with buzzling sound, and around the stage hundreds of people are present to watch it live.
as it is an interesting show where people go through the several questions from all subjects i.e history, politics, geography, science, economics, current affairs, boliwood news and many more which provides us knowledge, and entertains a lot.
it also provides a plateform to those who had a money problem and mostly the students, as it gives 70 million rupee to the winner and also money to each correct it offers a chance to show your talent and also to fulfil your demands.