The KB100 has a lovely tank, a gorgeous shining big exhaust the large square turn indicators the extra long wheelbase and ofcourse the beat much much sweeter than any of the singers I have ever heard to.
As I had deep interest in bikes and reading, I always tried to read as much as I can about this bike and also loved the way they had made the TV ad wherein this bike changes into a Cheetah as it starts moving. That said a lot about this models reliability, its power, its strength, its speed and its beautiful looks(please dont compare it with a Hayabusa or a Ducati and say its slow or looks like a box).
I went on to get some details on its specifications and no wonder this bike is still popular for its excellent road grip and its long travelling front shocks and its handling characteristics. And guess what? Even today Bajaj uses the same chasis and shocks for the new models even after a decade+ since the KB100 hit the India roads.
If you are someone who likes to push hard and wild without wanting to worry much about maintainance and if performance is what matters more than fuel-efficieny and a bike to you means more than just a thing to take you from point A to point B then get yourself a KB or if you love the Yamaha then get an RX.
About two and a year back one of my friends from Kenya who had come here for studies met with a fatal accident on his KB and they were selling it off for very less and I bought it without any second thoughts. Actually even a second hand bike wouldnt fit into my budget that day and I told myself that I will buy it and sell it off once I get a good offer.
She was black. When I went with it to one of my relatives place, my aunt asked WHY I bought a BLACK bike that too a one which had killed someone. I told her - Well! color never had anything to do with accidents. Accidents have to happen and they will always happen how much ever advanced and safe vechicles get. It is all fate. But ofcourse it is always good to have full control over the machine and know exactly what you are doing and should also be well aware of your own and the machines limits and capabilities. I cannot gurantee that it will save you from accidents but definetly it can help you avoid some unless and until it is written in your fate.
She was with me for almost six months before I sold it off to a friend on a no-profit no-loss basis and was happy as I she had taught me a lot about bikes and riding and that day I prayed - GOD please give me another good KB someday soon and my prayers were answered soon. A little over and year later my mechanic called me said Hey! Yaser there is a very nice KB for immediate sale. Interested Hia Kia? I ran to the place and there was this gorgeous Maroon KB in a near perfect shape and there was no way I could have said No to this offer and the deal was finalised that same evening.
I rode it for a couple of weeks until I got to know all about her and then we took out her engine, open it and got it rebored , new piston, new rings, new clutch plates, new brakes, new oils and she was worked upon to the last bolt and within two days she was like newly wed bride - Perfect condition.
A new piston meant that I cant ride her hard while she was in the drive-in period I was slow, smooth and sensual with her until she had done well over a 1000kms and still never went fast till she clocked a little over 1200kms and was begining to open the throttle full as she was nearing the 1500kms reading and one day while she had done close to 2000kms, I was pillion riding with my cousin behind me and was just about to touch 80kmph when the engine gave me signals that its heating up and suddenly the piston seized. Luckily I was able to control it and we stopped for some time before she cooled down. I went directly to my mechanics garage and we analysed the whole machine and finally found the culprit. A small piece of thread had somehow found its way into the oil pump and was blocking the 2T oil flow while resulted in the engine heating and seizure. I personally wanted to see the damage that might have been done to the insides and we just opened the head/bore and wasnt surprised to find a few scratches on the piston. We conditioned it a little and though there wasnt any noticable change in performance, there was a slight piston sound when pushed hard which luckily disappeared with time as more and more carbon settled in.
Recently I changed the handle bar(it was a original factory fitted bar) with a race type bar which gives a more forward leaning posture which increases the weight on the front wheel there my futher enhacing its handling and cornering abilities. I still havent been able to understand why I like it so much but the more I ride it the more I like it and you know sometimes I just put some petrol and go out just like that to listen to its wonderful tone and the feel.
Guys(I dont have an idea what girls might think :P ) are afraid to pillion ride with me as they think that I ride a bit fast and think I might take them and bang some vechicle. By GODs grace I have never been into an accident and I try to learn everytime I ride and always trying to improve my riding and correct any mistakes so that I can be more than just sure about what I am doing and I always try to be in full control of it and believe me its needs some physical fitness, lotsa concentration and years of practise.
My dear friends there is a difference between Fast and Rash. Try not be rash on the streets and always respect the other users of the road and at the slightest doubt stop your vechile rather than expecting the other person to stop. This will help you avoid a lot of hairy moments/accidents.
If you have read so far, Thanks for all your time and I would be glad to hear your comments on this.
Regards, Well Wishes and Wish you all the BEST in LIFE,