Thought I must write something about my trusted and long term friend.
Well I got my bike (second hand) in 1994 with 20K on odo.
then it stayed on with me for last 12 years..currently it is having 45K on odo. I bought many 2 wheelers and one 4 wheeler in between. But still like to occassionally blast ( past other vehicles)on my KB100RTZ.
My choices that time were KB100, RX100 and Ind Suzuki 100.
I am 6 ft height tall, so RX100 is out (also felt the vehicle to be little small for me plus tryes etc were very thin to maximize mileage). Ind suzuki felt very cheaply built..particularly the switch gears and looked very basic. Whereas KB100 boasted of reed valve, resonator, single key (centralized) for handle locking, engine off and park light. Plus it has a engine kill switch on handle bar..!!!unheard that time.
Riding is slightly stiff not very enjoying particularly for longtime. Pick up is sharp, can zoom past anything on 2 wheelers during that time. Very lengthy vehicle and hence I can stretch my legs. It has superb balance, no skidding, precise breaking (large dia break drum)..can negotiate on any terrain with confidence. I took it with me to Trivandrum, Mumbai and now in Bangalore.
Maintenances mostly zero..did spark plug changed few times - Air filter changed , jets changed multiple times, one time cylinder rebore, front shock reconditioned twice. Recently rebuilt the engine with new bearings, oil seals, changed brake drums, gear /clutch cables etc. I have registration valid till 2009.
Few problems faced over the years are, front shock oil leak (tried oil seal change, tube straightening, spring change etc)..but still persists ..I have seen almost all KB100s with muddy and leaky front shocks, then chain sounds (chain and sproket gets spoiled fast), back wheel alingment issues. Mileage used to be around 55 to 60..but over years came down to 40 and then to 30 currently.
No major accidents in last 12 years..few times the crash guard and mirrors hit near by passing vehicles (its protuding desgin problem).
Guess it will stay with me for many more years...