I went and bought myself a brand new Bajaj KB125 RTZ in February 1997 after having used my cousins KB100 RTZ for a little more than 2 years.
Honestly, its easier to appreciate the KB125 after riding the KB100. The bike surges forward and the gearing has been revised to help you shift into higher gears earlier than you would on the KB100.
The KB125s engine and chassis are more matched when compared to the KB100. KB100s always had this problem of being slowcoaches until the 60-70 kmph mark after which they transformed into stormers. The KB125 is much better in this aspect and it is a stormer right from the start.
Unlike the Yamahas and the Shoguns, you need to keep the revs high to extract the maximum from this bike. I have done many trips to and from Bangalore on many bikes and the KB125 is one of the best bikes for the highway. I have easily maintained 95-110 kmph and the bike has returned an average of 25-26 kmpl. For normal city use, the bike returns 40-45 kmpl if ridden sedately and ridden hard, it returns 35-40 kmpl.
The ergonomics are perfect and the instrumentation is one of the best (even compared to many present day bikes). My only grouse has been the seat.
The brakes, suspension and headlights (and all other lights)are excellent.
The last word: Im not selling this one.