Ive been reading this site a lot lately before deciding to sign up for a package. I had a lot of doubts and I clarified them with a Dr. Juvita. She was wonderful in explaining the pros and cons of each treatment and clearly explaining that sometimes, some treatments can cause redness or itching and that post treatment care should be followed very strictly by the client which is where more than half the issues arise.
I really appreciated the experience and the time that the doctor took in listening to my fears and giving me a realistic view of what to expect. Even the staff were very proficient in their service. I just want to say that not all things Ive read here are true, at least in my experience. It probably depends on the staff also.
I dont know if others have felt this but I felt that one needs to be daring when signing up for a service. I know a bad result can make one cautious but my results have made me feel glad that I was bold enough to sign up.