Its completely a money making business intended for the cream section of India who dont mind loosing 20-25000 if a particular treatment/Doctor does not work for them. I guess most of u sincerely reading these reveiws do not belong to that affluent section of society becoz they do not bother about reading reveiws, they might just try the treatment for as small money as that.
They might be having a few Not so Bad products in their Kitty like thr Laser Removal, But the quality of doctors which most of us percieve to be world Class is actually just Pathetic. All they do is Selling & Promoting the so called Kaya Products, whether required for a client or not. And I guess their KRA/Promotion depends not on the number of Patients they have Treated but the amount of bucks they have added to Kayas Account.
I took Glycolic Peel/ Pigmentation Reducer Treament frm Kaya and paid more than 20k, Treatment started working for me in 2 months(Any other OTC topical treatment would have worked in tht timeline, That too for not more than 100 Rs) Moreover as the treatment ended I again went back to Square One. My face was Again full of Acne. I went Back to Kaya to address my Grudge, but all that the Doc had to say was My problem has no permanent solution, All I could do is keep taking same Glycolic Acid peel untill my Genes decide to change Themselves! How funny is that! Dont they have any morals!
I request all of u to not go to to kaya For Pimples/Marks/Acne atleast! Coz if u do so, Ur only going to return back with burn in your Pocket & Aggravated Problem!
Rather go to a Local Renowned Doc! Kaya Docs are nothing more than Money Making Machines who dont mind cheating indians for earning thr Breads!